Hi stranger, haven't seen you before, you are not from around these parts, are you?

Thief! Give me back what you stole from me!

Hahaha Move out of the way Halfling, before I kill you!

Ugh! Somebody help me please!

Help me stranger please! That Orc took something from me!

You are in a town Stone Cold. You enter a small tavern, nobody bothers to look at you, you sit at the table when the waitress approaches your table from your left...

You hear somebody arguing in the background...

You approached the Halfling...

You returned to your table and finished your drink, your adventure has ended before it began...

You went outside the tavern with the Halfling to look for the thief Orc, and that's the beginning of this adventure...

Of course handsome! Would you like me to bring you a large ale, or some wine perhaps?

Well, nice to meet you Arthur, my name is Ada, what would you like to drink today?

Sure thing, Coming right over mister!

Not in the mood, I see, well... We have an ale, some good quality wine, what do you prefer?

I'm ok, thanks! Can you help me catch this orc and retrieve what's mine, I'll reward you for your efforts!

Ugh! No, I don't know him, please help me chase him!

A large pile of coin...if you help me retrieve what's mine...